The Sci Fi Channel will soon be no longer!
Starting in June, the NBC-owned network will be known as Syfy!
Why the switcharoo???
The channel, primarily known for their Battlestar Galactica and Stargate reruns, wants to break out of the sci-fi mold they've created for themselves over the past 16 years and expand into fantasy and "imagine-based entertainment."
The network name swap will be supported by the tagline, "Imagine Greater."
Network prez Dave Howe explains the name change as a necessity to attract a broader audience. "We love being sci fi… But we're more than just space and aliens and the future - the three things most people think of when they think of 'sci fi.' What this does is hopefully gives us the best of both worlds. You keep the heritage, but also open up to a broader range of content."
The Sci Fi Channel also ran into problems with trademarking the Sci Fi brand!
"We're going to have upwards of 50 Sci Fi Channels in various territories and yet you cannot trademark 'Sci Fi' anywhere in the world," explained Howe. "A new logo design would not solve that particular challenge. We needed a brand name that was own-able, portable and extendable."