Aug 11, 2009 11:02
I haven't done a dream post in awhile, and I had a good one last night, so lets see what I can remember, and what I can embellish to fill it out.
I dreamed I was at my grandmother's house hanging out with my uncle. We were setting up the RV, which my grandmother no longer has but it was a major fixture of my childhood, and the outside shed for the Apocalypse. It turns out my uncle (who is a pentecostal pastor) didn't make the cut for when the trump sounded. We dug out an underground shelter in the shed and built a false floor, and were smoking meats for storage down there, and stockpiling ammo and such in the RV. I clearly remember the whole ham we had decided to sugar cure, we burnt part of it, but the rest was still good, and we couldn't help but have a few bites each. It was very good. the smoker was full of venison.
There may or may not have been other people about from general casting, but i can't remember them. The memory of the dream is fleeting.
My uncle and i did have a nice chat about how he was right all along about the rapture, but that he wasn't being the "kind of christian he should have been." it was rather interesting. also, there was eating of delicious ham, and I do remember tasting it... it was a spiral cut bone in ham cooked in brown sugar... it was tasty. i give up on remembering the rest.
In other thoughts: something occurred to me yesterday while I was walking to the Chinese Restaurant to get my lunch. i was admiring the way the Indian girl, who was heading for the Indian restaurant, swayed her hips, and it occurred to me I haven't gotten laid in more than 6 months. Normally, I'd be chomping at the bit and attempting to find a pair of panties to get into right now, but frankly I'm unconcerned. This bothers me a bit. That's right, I'm bothered that I'm not bothered about not having sex recently. I'm not too terribly bothered, but It does make me worry about me a bit. On the other hand perhaps it's a sign of personal growth, or perhaps just a drop in libido due to all the stressful crap I'm trying not to think about right now. Meh. Thought I'd share.
delicious noms