The drabble prompt for b2 has been extended again.
1. Not yet decided or settled; awaiting conclusion or confirmation.
2. Impending; imminent.
1. While in the process of; during.
2. While awaiting; until.
If your stuck on ideas some suggestions:
For varying degrees of seriousness and ratings.
Awaiting a decision pending - if he takes the right corner, I'll capture the stones in Atari in the bottom left, but if he keeps that shape alive then I'll... - If Shindou thinks 20 moves ahead, then I'll think 21! - "well shindou the decision on whether you'll feel pleasure or pain is pending - "this isn't the end, it's just the beginning" - Sai's existence pending between different worlds - information pending on a situation - discovery of a body, 'cause of death pending - while the game is uncertain, what goes on outside?.
The deadline has been extend until Saturday July 29th Midnight PST.
We need at least one more entry to hold this challenge, otherwise this prompt will need to be cancelled and a new one put up.
Drabble entries are to be less than 250 words.
The Shortfic prompt for this round is:
Gender Roles
1. The pattern of masculine or feminine behavior of an individual that is defined by a particular culture and that is largely determined by a child's upbringing.
2. The overt expression of attitudes that indicate to others the degree of your maleness or femaleness
3. Of relating to cultural identity, clothing choices, behaviour, choice of work, personal relationships and other factors
4. Relating to gender categorization, such as androgyny, masculinity, femininity.
Shortfic is to be greater than 300 words.
The deadline for w2 is on Saturday July 29th Midnight PST.