I am home safely from ConCertino as of a few hours ago.
It was a fun convention and I am sorry I was not able to get there on Friday evening.
I had a nice surprise and was able to make someone else's weekend.
The nice surprise was that I was presented with a new floating interfilk item that is being passed along to members of the community. (I tried getting it to two people whom I though deserved the chance and both sent it back to me.) The pendent (made by Elise Mathenson (sp?)) and book are currently with me
As for making someone else's weekend, I somehow managed to win my 3rd quilt this year. I have won previously the interfilk quilt at GaFilk, which I managed to win remotely with help from FilkFerengi and the quilt at FKO.
After I won the quilt from GaFilk, I planned to do what I saw someone else (confirmed @ ConCertino - Kathleen Sloan) did @ a GaFilk years ago. Not keep the 2nd quilt, but give it away to someone else who had never won a quilt @ a filk convention before.
The FKO quilt was sent home with Tim Griffin who really appreciated. The ConCertino quilt ended up going home with Jane Sibley.
If I win MORE quilts in the future (and I really would like someone else to win!), I am going to continue to give them away to other people who have never won a quilt before (or received a quilt from someone at a filk convention.)
This entry was originally posted at
https://hms42.dreamwidth.org/35959.html. Please comment there using