I just noticed, I never posted that the Filk History book I was encouraging everyone to support last fall was released in late January. (This makes it eligable for the 2016 Hugo award.)
The history book is available for free, here:
http://www.mcgath.com/tst/ Also,
madfilkentist has been updating the errata page with updates, the most recent correction or additional information was added June 5th.
As for the ConCertino 2015 CD, the CD is DONE! Its been printed, labeled and duplicated. I just have to get the audio (and cover graphic) onto bandcamp and generate the download codes for everyone. This year, for the first time, I am including a download code with the CD-R, so people do not have to rip the CD. (I have already done it for you.)
Title is "Journeys". I will be posting a song list (which includes the NEFilk 2016 guests) on Friday, AFTER registration opens at