Apr 23, 2012 14:33
... for The MAD Doctrine continue to puzzle: a few weeks ago I posted it to ff.net (I always also post my stuff to ff.net, simply because it *is* the biggest archive there is, and for many people who aren't as deeply into fandom as we here tend to be it's still their main or only source of fic). Usually you get at least a couple of comments there - The MAD Doctrine got none. I wonder why. Not shippy enough? Too shippy? Not enough Gene? Hell, even the blatant Mary Sues there get comments!
Ah well. It's ff.net. Who understands ff.net?
Interestingly, comments on LJ have dried up completely after the first couple of days, too. This feels unusual - but it may be just normal, I dunno.
Heh. All of which reminds me: I need to get back to my big trawl of mars_daily... I'm sorry, I've been a bit in the dumps the last couple of weeks. Also, distracted by visitors, and computer games, and new furniture.