Mar 11, 2012 02:14
The Sandman/LoM crossover thing has just grown to around 2,500 words - nearly four pages - and it feels barely started.
I've written another half of a scene, so the scene I talked about earlier this week is practically done now. And I'm just freaking out because a fic with *so many words* (and that's before anything even really started happening!) just feels like it must have far too much *padding*, to me. But that may very well be because I'm just not used to writing longer fic.
But I constantly think, "no, no, this can't be right; this thing *can't* just grow like this; this can't be good enough. This is probably all just weak, unnecessary filler, and I'll have to cut all this stuff in the next round of editing. Or at the very least replace large parts of it with something stronger.
(Which is probably true, really, as this current scene is largely dialogue and my dialogue always sucks on the first round, and needs a lot of refining before it feels natural and in character.)
Also, I really don't even have a clear idea where this story is going (other than that it's obviously all about Sam Being Dead, which is what most of my LoM fic tends to be about). So it feels weird to write any dialogue right now, because... how can I tell if it's even "on topic", if I don't know where I'm going?