My flat stinks. Literally.

Jul 04, 2011 23:56

After the burst-pipe-which-wasn't-a-burst-pipe I've had to have several machines set up that blow air into the space between my bathroom floor and my downstairs neighbours' ceiling. (Two to three weeks of 24-hour noise. Yay!) There is a dehumidifier as well. It's the dehumidifier that stinks. I was told that this was impossible, but the company that supplied these machines eventually agreed to replace the smelly dehumidifier. Unfortunately the new one stinks just as much. It's like living in the sewers. And I'm not allowed to open the windows for more than a few minutes a day, because apparently that would reduce the efficiency of the machines.

Does anybody here have any experience with these things? Is it normal for the dehumidifier to stink to high heaven? It smells like water that has gone bad. I'm also a bit worried about how healthy it is to live in this kind of stink for two to three weeks...

What's also slightly worrying is that yesterday when I woke up, I found a huge, smelly puddle of water in the middle of my kitchen - meters away from the dehumidifier, which is an another room entirely, so it can't really have come from that. I mopped it up and it hasn't returned - but where the frell did it come from in the first place? It can't have come from below, because the floor is covered with a solid layer of pvc, without any breaks or holes in it. There seems to be a hint of a dried trace of water leading to the puddle from the vicinity of the window - but not close enough to the window to actually come *from* the window. Also, if it were rain water, why would it stink like this? And, the window wasn't open, so why would any rain have come through that? It's never rained through that window before.

Not. Happy. With this situation.
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