Who or what is 'PYM' and what is OC supposed to mean in this context? Educate me... ;-)
Well, I don't get the attraction of pretty young men, but that is simply a matter of taste - you probably don't get *my* fascination with broken, older (older than those that you prefer, that is) men.
(Darn, we're both perverts, aren't we?!) *g*
However, what I really don't get and can't quite attribute to 'just a matter of taste' is, why does it have to be the real people you write about? I realise that some people feel that fan fiction is a transgression in general, and I can't really argue with that, 'cause, legally speaking, it is. Yet, fan fiction only really starts to become a problem for *me* when there's real people involved. It's a violation of their private sphere, to my sensibility. Of course, I tend to find fictional characters more fascinating than real people, anyway, at least for the purpose of erotic fantasizing. But I think that even if I had a crush on an actor/singer/whatever, I wouldn't dare write fic about him (or her, as the case may be). I *might* fantasize about them in private (no harm in that), but I wouldn't make it public. It's just one of the very few taboos of the kind that the internet has still left me. (I had a lot more of those when I started reading fanfic!)
But really, why not write fic about the fictional characters these people are playing, or if they're not playing any, invent a new character that you can privately think of having their face and body? Would that be less of a turn-on? I'm really curious to know...
In my previous PYT meant one of my pretty boys (Eri in the specific case I was speaking of) and OC was an original character based off of Ian McKellen.
And no, I never write real person slash. I'm guilty of reading one specific pairing (maybe closer to a variation of pairings) in Orlando Bloom/Viggo Mortensen/Sean Bean. But yeah... it's reading, not writing. The only one of those that I think has a background that (I think) is reasonably slashable is Orlando. VM and SB as real people would be squicky to write. They both have wives and children to consider too.
As far as writing, I agree with you. If I wanted a member of nSync (or the Fellowship actors) in my fic, I'd create a fictional entity and give him Lance or Viggo's (or Ian's) face. It'd be a matter of me not getting the real person squick from writing it, and frankly I think I'd make the fictional character more interesting than the real person anyway. ;)
(And I'm probably all over the board with pervy-ness. I have sexual characters in my writing from age 15 to 82. Darn it, I *like* pervy-ness. *giggle*)
>In my previous PYT meant one of my pretty boys (Eri in the specific case I was speaking of) and OC was an original character based off of Ian McKellen.
Gotta check out your fic, someday. After all, I've chatted with Eri a few times! It should be nice to see him again. Hehe.
>And no, I never write real person slash.
Well, then you're not really a 'guilty party' (as per your own description), are you?
>I'm guilty of reading one specific pairing (maybe closer to a variation of pairings) in Orlando Bloom/Viggo Mortensen/Sean Bean. But yeah... it's reading, not writing.
Oh. Oooookay. Well... at least you don't write it. *g* (Hey, even if you did... it may not be my cup of tea, it may even be something I consider vaguely wrong in a moral sense, but I don't think it's bad enough for me to actually want to strike you off my friends list, neither in LJ nor in actuality. I'm not *that* judgemental. ;-))
>The only one of those that I think has a background that (I think) is reasonably slashable is Orlando. VM and SB as real people would be squicky to write. They both have wives and children to consider too.
Uhm... so writing them would squick you, but reading them doesn't? That's strange... methinks. And what exactly is the difference between Orlando and the other two?
>As far as writing, I agree with you. If I wanted a member of nSync
*shudder* (Sorry... very high dislike for anything boyband-like here. Although I've been compared to a one-person-boyband once by a friend. Yeah, I have weird friends, but I love them. My friends, that is, not boybands. *g*)
>(or the Fellowship actors) in my fic, I'd create a fictional entity and give him Lance or Viggo's (or Ian's) face. It'd be a matter of me not getting the real person squick from writing it, and frankly I think I'd make the fictional character more interesting than the real person anyway. ;)
Yep, that's rather an important point for me, besides the squick effect. Real people, especially actors and the like, aren't all that interesting to write about! About most of them you don't really know a lot, and what you know is what their PR people tell you, so it probably only contains truth in homeopathic doses. And really, unless the vapid Hollywood lifestyle is one of your special turn-ons, what *could* you possibly write about such people? (But then, that is probaby the freaky fantasy angst pervert in me speaking.) Of course, you could write pure PWP porn about them, but that I have always found rather boring - especially since in so many cases the characters are really interchangeable.
>(And I'm probably all over the board with pervy-ness. I have sexual characters in my writing from age 15 to 82. Darn it, I *like* pervy-ness. *giggle*)
LOL. Well, I don't think 82 is that pervy... 15 is borderline pervy, though, although I do concede that many people *are* sexually active at that age, and not in a context that would be considered child molestation. It's just a weird idea to me to be turned on by someone that young. I totally get the sexiness of Ian McKellen, on the other hand. (Okay, he's not 82 yet...)
> Gotta check out your fic, someday. After all, I've chatted with Eri a few times! It should be nice to see him again. Hehe.
Eri is still around and in multiple forms. I have 4 different versions of the boy playing in different universes. Sadly, I don't have any more proper archived fic with him in it. He's kind of a roleplay character now.
> Uhm... so writing them would squick you, but reading them doesn't? That's strange... methinks. And what exactly is the difference between Orlando and the other two?
I read it occasionally when I run across it and can't find any proper LotR slash that I'm interested in. It's read with a bit of squick factor and a lot of laughter. It required a big suspension of disbelief, IMO. And the reason Orlando is more plausible is that he's had slashy real-life moments with openly gay and bi friends. (And also he's not married or involved at the moment as far as I know) *shrugs* Less suspension of disbelief with him than with Sean Bean, a long-time married man with children.
> And really, unless the vapid Hollywood lifestyle is one of your special turn-ons, what *could* you possibly write about such people?
Exactly. It's rather boring. And one can only read so many "met and fell in love on the set" stories before it gets old. But... when in the mood for fic and that's all you seem to run into...
Well, I don't get the attraction of pretty young men, but that is simply a matter of taste - you probably don't get *my* fascination with broken, older (older than those that you prefer, that is) men.
(Darn, we're both perverts, aren't we?!) *g*
However, what I really don't get and can't quite attribute to 'just a matter of taste' is, why does it have to be the real people you write about? I realise that some people feel that fan fiction is a transgression in general, and I can't really argue with that, 'cause, legally speaking, it is. Yet, fan fiction only really starts to become a problem for *me* when there's real people involved. It's a violation of their private sphere, to my sensibility. Of course, I tend to find fictional characters more fascinating than real people, anyway, at least for the purpose of erotic fantasizing. But I think that even if I had a crush on an actor/singer/whatever, I wouldn't dare write fic about him (or her, as the case may be). I *might* fantasize about them in private (no harm in that), but I wouldn't make it public. It's just one of the very few taboos of the kind that the internet has still left me. (I had a lot more of those when I started reading fanfic!)
But really, why not write fic about the fictional characters these people are playing, or if they're not playing any, invent a new character that you can privately think of having their face and body? Would that be less of a turn-on? I'm really curious to know...
And no, I never write real person slash. I'm guilty of reading one specific pairing (maybe closer to a variation of pairings) in Orlando Bloom/Viggo Mortensen/Sean Bean. But yeah... it's reading, not writing. The only one of those that I think has a background that (I think) is reasonably slashable is Orlando. VM and SB as real people would be squicky to write. They both have wives and children to consider too.
As far as writing, I agree with you. If I wanted a member of nSync (or the Fellowship actors) in my fic, I'd create a fictional entity and give him Lance or Viggo's (or Ian's) face. It'd be a matter of me not getting the real person squick from writing it, and frankly I think I'd make the fictional character more interesting than the real person anyway. ;)
(And I'm probably all over the board with pervy-ness. I have sexual characters in my writing from age 15 to 82. Darn it, I *like* pervy-ness. *giggle*)
Gotta check out your fic, someday. After all, I've chatted with Eri a few times! It should be nice to see him again. Hehe.
>And no, I never write real person slash.
Well, then you're not really a 'guilty party' (as per your own description), are you?
>I'm guilty of reading one specific pairing (maybe closer to a variation of pairings) in Orlando Bloom/Viggo Mortensen/Sean Bean. But yeah... it's reading, not writing.
Oh. Oooookay. Well... at least you don't write it. *g* (Hey, even if you did... it may not be my cup of tea, it may even be something I consider vaguely wrong in a moral sense, but I don't think it's bad enough for me to actually want to strike you off my friends list, neither in LJ nor in actuality. I'm not *that* judgemental. ;-))
>The only one of those that I think has a background that (I think) is reasonably slashable is Orlando. VM and SB as real people would be squicky to write. They both have wives and children to consider too.
Uhm... so writing them would squick you, but reading them doesn't? That's strange... methinks. And what exactly is the difference between Orlando and the other two?
>As far as writing, I agree with you. If I wanted a member of nSync
*shudder* (Sorry... very high dislike for anything boyband-like here. Although I've been compared to a one-person-boyband once by a friend. Yeah, I have weird friends, but I love them. My friends, that is, not boybands. *g*)
>(or the Fellowship actors) in my fic, I'd create a fictional entity and give him Lance or Viggo's (or Ian's) face. It'd be a matter of me not getting the real person squick from writing it, and frankly I think I'd make the fictional character more interesting than the real person anyway. ;)
Yep, that's rather an important point for me, besides the squick effect. Real people, especially actors and the like, aren't all that interesting to write about! About most of them you don't really know a lot, and what you know is what their PR people tell you, so it probably only contains truth in homeopathic doses. And really, unless the vapid Hollywood lifestyle is one of your special turn-ons, what *could* you possibly write about such people? (But then, that is probaby the freaky fantasy angst pervert in me speaking.) Of course, you could write pure PWP porn about them, but that I have always found rather boring - especially since in so many cases the characters are really interchangeable.
>(And I'm probably all over the board with pervy-ness. I have sexual characters in my writing from age 15 to 82. Darn it, I *like* pervy-ness. *giggle*)
LOL. Well, I don't think 82 is that pervy... 15 is borderline pervy, though, although I do concede that many people *are* sexually active at that age, and not in a context that would be considered child molestation. It's just a weird idea to me to be turned on by someone that young. I totally get the sexiness of Ian McKellen, on the other hand. (Okay, he's not 82 yet...)
Eri is still around and in multiple forms. I have 4 different versions of the boy playing in different universes. Sadly, I don't have any more proper archived fic with him in it. He's kind of a roleplay character now.
> Uhm... so writing them would squick you, but reading them doesn't? That's strange... methinks. And what exactly is the difference between Orlando and the other two?
I read it occasionally when I run across it and can't find any proper LotR slash that I'm interested in. It's read with a bit of squick factor and a lot of laughter. It required a big suspension of disbelief, IMO. And the reason Orlando is more plausible is that he's had slashy real-life moments with openly gay and bi friends. (And also he's not married or involved at the moment as far as I know) *shrugs* Less suspension of disbelief with him than with Sean Bean, a long-time married man with children.
> And really, unless the vapid Hollywood lifestyle is one of your special turn-ons, what *could* you possibly write about such people?
Exactly. It's rather boring. And one can only read so many "met and fell in love on the set" stories before it gets old. But... when in the mood for fic and that's all you seem to run into...
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