Frell. I've found a radio station I like.

May 30, 2010 14:07

This is good news, because since yesterday evening I've already found about half a dozen new bands I *need* to hear more from.

This is bad news, because I have neither the money to buy music, nor the space to store it, nor even a working CD player, really.


Why is there so much frelling awesome music out there?

Why am I so frelling poor?


The station (it's a webradio station):

The greatest programme I listened to yesterday:

My favourite three tracks from yesterday's listening session:

Phantogram: Bloody Palms

Phantogram: Mouthful of Diamonds

Oh No Ono: Swim


Anybody know where I can buy single mp3 tracks without having a credit card? Buying favourite tracks instead of entire albums seems like a good idea at the moment. There are some songs I simply *need*.

music, arrrgh

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