Will reply to yesterday's/today's comments tomorrow...

May 19, 2010 23:57

as I am almost indescribably exhausted today. Just needed to tell the world that today, while sitting bored out of my mind, tired, cold, hungry and aching in my last seminar (which for some reason took nearly until ten in the evening tonight, arrgh), I wrote almost an entire scene of Back to the Future. I heaped a bit more misery on Sam, I'm afraid - though it's nothing I haven't been planning for years; and nothing that will result in any permanent damage. ;-)

Also did several rounds of rereading and revising on the way to work (bless those long bus rides..) I'm fairly sure now that the first half of the story is nearly as flawless as I can make it (which means: not *really* flawless, but certainly pretty good), while the latter half has some pretty serious problems still.

I also noticed that the war happens in the year when Sam hits fifty. What a rotten birthday present. Sorry, Sam! :-(

ETA: Is it wrong that this icon in conjunction with this post makes me grin?

writing, sam torture

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