I don't get the need for robots that vacuum your floors (Roomba etc.). I guess they make sense in American houses with their acres of floor space. Or in
houses with cats. ;-) With my tiny bit of accessible floor space, vacuuming that space takes a minute or less. It's the not-so-accessible corners - that wouldn't be accessible to a Roomba, either - that make vacuuming a pain. Like having to crawl under the desk to clean the fifteen-centimeter-wide space between the back of the desk and the wall. Or having to shift all my tool boxes and stuff to clean the worshop corner.
That said, I would love for someone to invent a robot that would clean showers and tubs. I haven't lived in a place yet where cleaning the shower and/or tub wasn't a complete nightmare. They tend to be tucked into nooks so that you can't access some parts at all without squatting in the tub to reach those stupid, most inaccessible corners. Cleaning the shower takes me close on an hour - time I'd much rather spend doing something more fun, especially now that 'me-time' is so rare. (Until June, I'll be busy with uni and my internship practically all day, every day, and busy with GP seminars and the occasional fan-event nearly every weekend.)
Even better would be a self-cleaning shower... *sigh*