- Washed four big loads of dishes (I swear, if I had a dishwasher I'd save enough time, per week, to take up an entire new hobby. Or, maybe, actually devote some time to one of my current ones. Or actually reply to some e-mail...)
- Cooked lunch three times (pancakes; spaghetti with tomato sauce - the latter I made twice, because it's cheap and easy)
- Washed three loads of laundry
- Summed up a couple of chapters of a book about zines for my internship
- Spent some four hours at the workbench, working on an earring and some rings while listening to the last volume of the Thrawn Trilogy
- Knitted about ten centimeters of scarf
- Spent about three hours working on fic
- Started making sketches for a painting that I want to give to my cousin & his wife/my cousin's little son for his birthday
- Perused job offers
- Wrote and posted a
fs_10percent rec
- Made a new To Do List, as the old one was becoming a bit confusing, what with all the crossed-out and scribbled-in stuff
- Did a complete antivirus scan of my computer
- ETA: Forgot to mention the Massive Monstrous Grocery Shopping Trip From Hell, which took me through six (in numbers: 6) different supermarkets and the local Asian shop. Why does keeping yourself fed well take so much time? *sigh*
Things I also would have liked to fit in there somehow:
- Reply to mails
- Read some LJs (am I *ever* going to manage to get back into the groove???)
- Work more on fic
- Research green/ethical investment
- Continue reading SelfHTML
- Continue rebuilding my website
- Continue uploading stuff to AO3
- Do... *something*... for The Collators' Den
- Buy glasses
The list goes on...