
Sep 30, 2009 03:12

I love Farscape so much. It's like it was specifically made to fit into a Farscape-shaped slot in my soul that had always been waiting for it.

I need someone new to scape. It's been two years since I last made a convert.


In other news - or, well, in news, as the above hardly constitutes news: I've sent three job applications in the last two days, and will send another tomorrow. That brings the total (since finishing uni) up to five, which may not sound like a very high number, but you have to remember my qualifications are somewhat exotic, so there aren't many jobs that I can actually apply for. So far I've applied to two archaeological museums, one arts and crafts museum, and to my university's enrollment office. The job I'm about to apply for tomorrow (well, today, really) is with an environmental organisation.

farscape, job hunting, real life

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