And some thoughts about the anime invasion...

Apr 29, 2003 00:06

Well, due to my recent - slight - infatuation with Sirius Black, I went websurfing in the realms of Harry Potter fandom. During my surfing, I stumbled across some fan art, and... well, can anyone, please, explain to me why most of it seems to be in anime style? Frell, I don't want CuteAndrogynous!Sirius, I want SeriouslyUglyAndFrightening!Sirius!

Seeing the anime-isation of the Potterverse also reminded me of a phenomenon I've been noticing in fandom in general in recent years. More and more, it seems to be necessary not only to know terms like slash, filk and FIAWOL but also to know Japanese. Bishounen, yaoi, (name)-chan etc. seem to be common knowledge these days. Anime fandom related vocabulary seems to be especially prevalent in slash... I'm not a slash writer nor much of a slash reader, but I do know slash writers and readers and I'm increasingly often coming across these terms in their blogs, on their websites, and on forums and mailing lists. It can be frelling confusing, though I've managed to learn basic anime fandom Japanese now (although I'm not even an anime fan, with the exception of Hellsing). It seems to be related to age - LotR(movies) fandom and Harry Potter fandom in particular seem to have fallen victim to the anime invasion, and it seems to me that these two fandoms draw, in general, a younger fan generation than Farscape or Highlander do. Will fandom entirely be taken over by anime, I wonder? ;-)

fandom japanese, fan art, anime, sirius black, changes in fandom, harry potter fandom, anime influence on fandom

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