Random china geekery

Mar 05, 2009 00:52

The tea bowl I bought today.

The one I bought a few weeks ago (it's the one on the left). I'd love to have the rest, too, but they're *seriously* pricey, so I settled for only the medium one. *g*

Of these, I have the middle one. I'd love the bottom ones, too - I think they're the prettiest of the series, really - but they're a) pricey, and b) not available anywhere near me anymore. Also, it seems that the manufacturer has changed production methods a bit and therefore the newer bowls aren't as good as they used to be. Should have bought these a year ago, when I first noticed them. *sigh*

Annoyingly, it's not possible to find a picture of my very beautiful (though probably not particularly valuable - I did some research and it seems it came from a series that was mass produced so as to offer people with less disposable income to purchase high quality china) British tea cup that I was given by my china collecting aunt a few months ago. This pattern here is vaguely similar, but really only very vaguely so. Mine's blue, the pattern itself is different (it's just the first impression that's somewhat similar), and that ugly broad black band is not present on mine, either. Instead, there's a narrow gold band.

Also, I used to have five old plates like these, also from my aunt and uncle. I've lived with a number of people who were/are good at dropping stuff, though, so now there's only two of these beautiful plates left. (The most annoying thing about this is when the people who do this kind of thing absolutely do not get why it makes you so sad. "It's just a plate!" etc.)

Great. Now I've made myself sad. :-(

me myself i

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