It's time to whine again.

Nov 14, 2008 18:59

I have five pages of one useless attempt at an introduction, three pages of another attempt, and two pages of yet another. I also have five pages of notes and some actual bits of more or less coherent text about gender.

Any time I look at any part of all this, it's like my brain grinds to a complete halt and there's just... absolutely nothing. Can't even patch the notes on gender together to form anything resembling a text.

Two and a half months to go. If I had a concept, and managed write about one page per day, it would still be doable, though only barely.

But I still don't even have a concept.

In a couple of weeks, it will officially be undoable, as I have never in my life managed to write more than one page per day, so there's no way in hell I'm going to be able to write 60-80 pages in a space of less than two months.

Of course, there's still the option of getting the two month extension of the deadline, and sort of betting on the not-too-unlikely chance that by the end of that time I'll have some sort of breakdown so I can have a doctor excuse me from taking the final exams practically without preparation nearly immediately after handing in the thesis. Thankfully, my psyche is fairly reliable in its lack of resilience to stress, so it really isn't a very large bet to take. If I need to take the extension option, it's almost guaranteed I'll get ill. (Well, it's kind of almost guaranteed anyway, really, tbh. January will be hell, if I keep aiming for the January 30 deadline.)

m.a. thesis

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