Apr 08, 2008 23:59
So, I was ranting about my M.A. thesis, i.e. my inability to narrow down the topic to something manageable, to a friend at librarything last week. Mostly I complained about not having anybody knowledgeable in things fantastic around that I could talk to, because I'm at a point in the process where I desperately need to *talk* about the project with someone who knows a bit about dealing with fantastic literature on an academic level.
Saturday night I got a reply to that rant, from a total stranger, who told me that on Sunday, a group of Ph.D. students who are all doing theses on sf/fantasy-related topics would meet in a small town about an hour north of where I live. I spent most of the night trying to find a way to get there... At nine in the morning, I called my oldest friend, E., and asked her if she could take me there - she has a car, you see, and the earliest train I could have caught would have had me arriving much too late.
She said yes, and so I made it to the meeting, albeit still a bit late - but not too late to make some contacts. Plus, they put me on their mailing list, which means I have a place to ask questions now. (I'm also supposed to give a talk about my project at the next meeting, which is in three months. Uhm. - Those folks were pretty good at roping you in immediately. *g*)
The internet is amazing.
So is E.
I've slept somewhat easier, the last couple of nights.
the kindness of strangers,
m.a. thesis