Priorities (writing):

Feb 02, 2008 04:02

1.) Finish How to Love a Madman. (Almost there. Almost.)
2.) Finish revising Sometimes We Believe.


Once these two are done - and I can't *wait* for them to be done, I want all these 'almost finished' things off my list! They're mental clutter, clutter in my brain, and they're annoying the heck out of me - I'll still have my usual 15 or so writing projects, but only five out of those are reasonably high priority, and only two out of *those* are very difficult. Now *this* is brain clutter reduction! It should allow me to focus on uni stuff better, and it should also allow me to actually focus on *writing* more, because my attention will be divided between far fewer projects than it has been in years.

So, here's the short list of high priority fics:

1.) Back to the Future (LoM, simple)
2.) Möglichkeitssinn (LoM, extremely difficult)
3.) Borderlands (LoM/Sandman, sort of difficult)
4.) Miracle (LoM, extremely difficult and still needing loads of research)
5.) Personal Space (FS, simple)

Personal Space will be replaced by Sisters on the priority list when it's done, as that is another very simple FS fic I have already written more than half of, and I want to get all these half-written, actually-sort-of-simple fics done, because there's really no *reason* why they should take this long. Whatever gets done next will be replaced by Found In Translation, the Methos fic from hell (in glacier-like progress since 2003).

priorities, writing, works in extremely slow progress, clutter reduction

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