You know, I have only the vaguest idea what the show Life is about (it sounds interesting, but I have enough TV in my life ATM), but I'm enormously amused whenever I see the words "Fandom: Life" pop up on my flist. I'm a fan of life, too. It sure beats death.
I ramble a bit about my difficult relationship with Life on Mars fandom
here. It's kind of the exact opposite of my relationship with Highlander fandom, where I've always loved the fandom more unreservedly than the source (with the exception of the Really Old Guy). I kept my distance, to some degree, in HL fandom, too - because close interaction with fen of something you feel only lukewarm about can be a bit awkward. Being able to join in with the squee is essential to really joining a fandom actively, IMO. But I always really loved the fandom and what it was doing.
In Life on Mars fandom, I still love the source (except for the last episode) to bits, but the fandom now makes me deeply uneasy. Which, yeah, I am aware is unfair of me, but it's the irrational part of me that's in charge of this emotion.
(Farscape fandom is the only fandom I ever had where I could simply love the show and the people who loved it, really.)
Rapunzel almond spread.
Food of the gods.