Well, today I was at work, which means I had eight hours to do stuff that would otherwise be considered procrastination, without much of a guilty conscience. So, I did some catching up, though I cheated a bit there, choosing mostly short ljs. And then I tagged about two thirds of my entries for 2003.
- The
"farscape" tag is bigger than the
"life on mars" tag now. It's a bit alarming, to be honest, because it's not just the "farscape" tag growing - the "life on mars" tag is actively shrinking. If I keep tagging my old entries it will soon shrink into insignificance. Clearly I must post more Life on Mars content here, and soon! *g*
- I was reminded how
neurotic I
used to be about my writing. I mean, I hadn't exactly forgotten about this, really - but it's still striking to see that kind of extreme doubt pop up so frequently in my lj. Incidentally, I think 2003 was also the year that those particular fears began to fade a bit. It was the year I
found beccatoria, who I think has done more to raise my faith in my potential than all the recs and feedback I have received in my life. I think it was also the year I passed some actual, objective 'quality threshold'. Most of the stuff I've written since then holds up reasonably well. And, last but probably not least, I think it may have been the year a fic of mine ("Together") was recced for the very first time. Though that may have been early 2004, come to think of it - I suspect I'll find out as I continue to tag the entries that come after October 2003.
- It's amazing how my flist has changed. I happen to have captured the entirety of it as it was back then in this post here, as a linking exercise:
the main thing about my flist back then, aside from the fact that it was mostly made up of BABEs, was that it was short! Amazingly short.
- It's kind of fun to look back at myself as I was five or four years ago, but I can only take a certain dose of past!me.