I spent six hours today (at work - my job basically just requires me to sit around, and some of that sitting around is done near a computer) catching up with *one* journal, and I'm still only half done with that one. oO *waves to
amonitrate* I think this catching up project will take substantially more time than just this month... but it's nice to catch up, too - nice to see what people've been up to. I'm afraid I spammed
amonitrate quite badly with what basically amounted to 1001 variations of "I agree!" today... *g* (BTW, if you're a HL fan you should really go and read her fics. She mostly writes my kind of fic, i.e. angsty gen, and she does it very well indeed. Her Methos is excellent - one of the best I've read. Unfortunately she also shares my tendency to have loads of unfinished snippets of WiPs that don't really progress all that much...)
dunkle_feuer, I wanted to call today, but I wasn't quite well tonight after work; throughout the entire day, in fact - headache, spells of dizziness etc. I think the week of All Work and Little or No Sleep or Food was taking its toll. Nearly keeled over once during work, actually. Not good! So, when I got home, instead of doing the weekly flat cleaning routine I napped for a couple of hours, and then made dinner, and by the time I felt somewhat okay again it was half past ten (and I have to admit I got distracted by Dexter then, which I'd started to watch during dinner... *g*).
One more ep of Dexter now, and then off to bed. Won't be able to do much in the way of catching up or answering comments tomorrow at work, as tomorrow will mostly be spent sitting around in a place *without* a computer. Will take some of my thesis work with me, I think. And I may not be much around in the evening after work, either, as I'll have to do the cleaning I didn't do today then, plus other stuff I should have done today.