I need more Essence of Geekdom in my life.

Nov 19, 2007 20:16

Or at least I would if I wanted to write more. Well, I do really want to write more, but of course that is kind of impossible at the moment, as it's incompatible with uni etc. Very annoying.

Anyway, this weekend, I attended the 13th semi-annual TBFC - To Be Frelling CONtinued, the German Farscape mini-con - and as soon as I got there and soaked up the atmosphere of concentrated geekery (16 geeks, six laptops, a DVD player and a projector, and, of course, virtual *towers* of DVDs of geeky shows, all in one room) the muses bit. So I spent a significant part of the con not watching anything, nor talking with anybody, but scribbling frantically - at one point I even 'took refuge' in the kitchen for the sole purpose of being able to spread my papers on the nice, big kitchen table there.

So. What's the result?

- I may have a proper first sentence for 68 Wives now. (Sorry, all you folks who replied to my question about that a few weeks ago. I never found the time to reply properly, and now there's a new status quo, so to speak.) I've also created a chronology for that fic, in order to help me find a place for a couple of 'orphaned' wives I found scribbled on a scrap of paper from way back, whom I'd really like to put into the fic. I need to figure out which wives, in which time periods, I may ditch in favour of the 'new' ones, hence the need for a chronology.

- Had some fun with World War III. (From LoM fic Back to the Future (the Long Way 'Round).

- Rewrote and reorganised the Sam/Annie thing (working title: How to Love a Madman) I posted an excerpt from a few days ago. It's still lacking a third part, though.

writing, tbfc

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