In less than an hour and a half!
It's kinda crap, but hey, writing is writing, and writing is good. Even if it's crap. And spontaneous outbreaks of fic are particularly good.
It's LoM (unsurprisingly), and it doesn't look like fic. It looks kind of like a poem. Partly. Again. WTF is it with me and LoM and spontaneous eruptions of poetry!fic?
It also contains some standing around on roofs. That seems to be a staple of all my LoM fic lately.
Oh, and also, it's Sam/Annie-shippy, something I haven't really done before. Yay for new challenges!
It was initially meant for
space_oddity_75, who's recently had a rough time, but as per usual, it turned depressing pretty soon, so I'm not sure it's the right thing to give away to someone who isn't feeling good in the first place. Also, as I already stated, at the moment it's still kind of crap. And kind of abstract. And kind of just-plain-weird. And possibly somewhat AU in its interpretation of the relationship, I dunno. And possibly really, really, really bad.
But I'm still thrilled.
Oh hell, here's an excerpt. I may hate this tomorrow, but who cares.
his face, knotted with concentration,
as he figures out riddles
that exist only for him,
figures out the world
that exists
only as a riddle to him. Your world,
and you just a piece of the puzzle.
What is your meaning?
Gah. I can already see bits that are crap. See? This is why I don't do fast fic.