One problem with writing...

Jul 06, 2007 04:23

When I *do* get into the spirit of things, I can't-frelling-stop. It's half past four in the frelling morning and I should have gone to bed *hours* ago.

But, I've got a nicely reorganised first page of Moving On now (total length of the still unfinished fic at the moment is 1,196 words - slightly less than two pages), as well as a clearer idea of where some of the remaining puzzle pieces are supposed to go and what might be needed to connect them, plus a better idea of what I need to figure out next.

I think this is the point where I may need help, though; that is to say: someone to talk to. Possibly several someones.

Any volunteers? ;-)

No, seriously: here's the basic data: it's an AU, technically post-2.08 but actually more like 'post-waking up'. 2.08 mostly didn't happen, although I'm also sort of trying to make the story as compatible with canon as possible, up to a point. (I'm not entirely sure about how much of 2.08 I'm going to incorporate yet.)

The two main aspects that make the story AU are 1.) Maya and Sam somehow got back together (the possible hows and whys of this are among the things I really need to talk about), and 2.) Sam's still fairly lucky, medically speaking, but not quite as implausibly lucky as he was in 2.08 - i.e. he doesn't go back to work immediately etc. Oh, and there's a third aspect that's actually quite AU: 3.) Sam isn't quite as hopelessly psychologically messed-up as he is in canon.

So, essentially, this is me trying to write a happy ending (to some degree; of course this is still a Hmpf fic, and I'm still congenitally incapable of writing happy fluff); and preferably I'd like it to be one that makes sense. And there's the rub - because, with canon as it is now, both the idea of a working Maya/Sam relationship and the idea of a psychologically healthy Sam are unfortunately rather unlikely, and even out of character. Still, since the total screwed-upness of things was only made definite very late in canon, I think I *may* get away with making this unlikely scenario believable - but it's a challenge. Especially since I still haven't figured out a lot of the motivations and psychological processes of the characters involved myself.

So... anyone up for talking Maya-and-Sam psychology with me?

(ETA: My ICQ number is 46685277.)

writing, life on mars

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