First, let me apologize...

Jun 25, 2006 01:15

for posting so much, and mostly so much useless stuff recently. I don't know why I do it. Maybe it relieves the stress; or maybe I'm just making up for the Lost Year or something. Anyway, I'm sorry I'm sort of spamming your flists at the moment. I'm sure it's only a phase. I hope you haven't all moved me to the 'too many posts, don't read' filter by now. ;-)

Secondly, I have a question about LJ that's been bothering me for a while: is it just me, or is LJ very, very slow, and completely unreachable a lot of the times you're trying to post/read your flist/access your memories? I'm wondering if there's some sort of weird Hmpf-LJ-incompatibility thing going on here because I never see anyone else complaining about it. But for me, LJ is a major time waster, not so much because I spend so much time on here but rather because I seem to spend at least half of that time just waiting for pages to load, and getting error messages again and again and again. It drives me crazy! (ETA: And this is not a recent problem; it's been that way at least since I took up regular posting again earlier this year.)


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