Jun 01, 2002 02:13
Welcome reader, whoever you may be (most likely Kadira or Thilo, who are currently the only people who have even heard I have this place, Kadira being the one who talked me into getting it ;-)). So, what does one do with a weblog? Well, from the evidence I've seen in other people's blogs, I guess you mostly use them to ramble, in the vague hope that someone is listening. Strange -- only recently, journals were secret, private things, and nowadays we put them on the net for the whole world (or, as the case may be, a select part of it) to read. But do we have anything worthwhile to tell? More specifically, do I? I don't know, but I don't think so. Still, as you can see, I already have the hang of rambling, so I guess I'll be right at home in the weblogging world.
Random thoughts of the day:
It's good to know how to make an authentic-tasting Indian curry dish. It's also good to eat the remains of that dish for breakfast.
Doctors rarely can tell you what's wrong with you, but since I'm deliberately drinking camomile tea, I *must* be sick. Or at least mentally damaged.
It feels good to get up before noon and get some work done. (I'm a student; sue me!)
As a fanfic writer, I suffer from unhealthy hero worship complexes. In every fandom, there is at least one fanfic writer compared with whom I feel hopelessly incompetent, and whose attention and approval I strive for in a most embarrassing manner.
strangeness of lj,
writing neurosis,
real life,