Bad fashion sense, good comics (in German!), and an attack of the Evil Real Life Monster

Feb 09, 2006 01:31

Dear God. Why do they keep doing this to him? Weren't the red trousers and the bad wig bad enough?

But, seriously - what were they thinking? "He used to ride a horse, right? So let's make him look like a cowboy!" Yeah. Brilliant idea.

Something tells me that Kerr Avon would have appreciated that jacket. Though... maybe not. Not silver enough; and not enough rivets.

On the plus side, this makes me kind of glad there never was a Methos series. Who knows what kind of a fashion victim they'd have turned him into in it? *shudder*


Anyway. On to more pleasant news: has begun publishing my translation of It's Walky, one of my favourite online comics. So far there's only the introductory article I wrote, but... watch this space. (Und lest den Artikel! Kurzzusammenfassung: It's Walky! ist - so ungefähr - das, was herauskäme, wenn man Charlie Brown und seine Freunde, ein paar griechische Tragödien sowie Krieg der Welten in einen Mixer schmeißen und ordentlich durchmixen würde. Es ist eine SF-Dramödie um kindische Superhelden, Tortillachips und Fäkalhumor, Glaubenskrisen, Liebe, Leben und Tod, Verantwortung und Flucht, die Entdeckung der Sexualität und das Ende der Welt. Mit Riesen-Roboteraffen, kleinen lila Außerirdischen, Zombies, Ninjas und Tentakelmonstern.) Translating this will keep me busy for a couple of years, at the very least.


Apart from this, there's nothing new. I've been lurking more than posting in the last week or so because I was (or rather, am) under attack by the Evil Real Life Monster (in the guise of university). I'm still scribbling away at my new fic and revising and even translating some of my old ones like crazy, too, though, and commenting on fic and beta reading a bit on the side. So, it's not like I've gafiated or anything - just can't talk much. The story about the 68 wives is coming alone nicely, and the revisions of the three older ones are almost done, as well.

methos, writing, comics, translating, it's walky!, evil real life monster, appalling fashion sense

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