Sunday, April 3rd - day 529 - Assassins Who Kill: 2. Murder Among Assassins[New Directions] For the first Murder Mystery Dinner with all of New Directions, a game where everyone is a killer...
Tuesday, April 5th - day 531 - Assassins Who Kill: 3. The Assassins Investigate[New Directions] For the first Murder Mystery Dinner with all of New Directions, a game where everyone is a killer...
Wednesday, April 6th - day 532 - How do you solve a problem like Brittany?[Sue (& Britt) & Joe] Now that Sue knows Brittany has met her father, they need to decide where to go from there.
Tuesday, April 12th - day 538 - Invidia et Humanitas[Santana & Brittany] Santana knows it looks one way, but there is more to her frustrations over Brittany and Artie.
Friday, April 15th - day 541 - Assassins Who Kill: 4. I Accuse You, Assassin[New Directions] For the first Murder Mystery Dinner with all of New Directions, a game where everyone is a killer…
Sunday, April 17th - day 543 - Assassins Who Kill: 5. The Assassin's Trial[New Directions] For the first Murder Mystery Dinner with all of New Directions, a game where everyone is a killer…
Tuesday, April 19th - day 545 - Assassins Who Kill: 6. The Assassins' Truth[New Directions] For the first Murder Mystery Dinner with all of New Directions, a game where everyone is a killer…
Thursday, April 21st - day 547 - How to Fold a Paper Heart[Kurt & Brittany] Kurt figures out why Brittany's been sick lately... now he just needs to explain it to her, so they can know.
Sunday, April 24th - day 550 - Home is where the heart is[Sue & Brittany] Now that it's been decided, Sue needs to see if Brittany is on board with living with Joe, too.
Monday, April 25th - day 551 - Still Got Me[Artie/Brittany] Puck and Santana may be fine leaving Artie behind after their dinner, but Brittany can't do it.
Thursday, April 28th - day 554 - A False Stork[Santana/Brittany] Once they figured out she wasn't pregnant, someone had to tell her.
Saturday, April 30th - day 556 - Here Comes Revelation[Sam & Nell, Puck, Quinn] On the day of the Hummel/Hudson wedding, Sam is faced with a choice.