Aug 02, 2006 10:14
I've debated on whether or not to make a final post about Sierra, and, if so, what to put in it. For those of you who don't know, she and I had been trying to remain friends. She made me very angry last night. I wont go into details. We were both wrong last night, and we were both right also. We both had valid points. She had the right to be angry at me about my post a few days back, and a had the right to be mad at her for blowing me off when I was trying to do a favor for her. There was no good guy or bad guy. No one was at fault. We are simply poison to each other. We had a strong love. A love that over came the mountains of differences that were between us. Age, background, schooling, life experience and future goals. We were so different in all of these aspects, yet we made it work for three years. We were wrong for each other, yet we made something good and pure and happy for a while. I don't know if that makes us stubborn or dedicated. Maybe both.
I have asked her to never call me again, and after the argument we had last night, I am fairly certain she never will. She is inside of me. You don't live with a person for three years and not be affected by them. But it is for the best if we do not see or speak to each other any more. It is time for us to go our seperate ways and fall completely out of each others' lives. I know this. It will be hard. I will be sad sometimes thinking of the good times between us. I will be angry sometimes thinking of the arguments we had. Though leaving each other behind WILL be for the best, it may be very hard on me for a while.
I have a favor to ask all of you who associate with me. I know that the subject usually doesn't come up anyways, but I really need to not hear about Sierra for a little while. Maybe some day soon I will be able to remember her without getting melencholy, but for now things are a bit too fresh.
We tried to be in love and that didn't work. Then we tried to be friends, and that has failed. I wish her all the best in her life, and I hope she can do the same for me. I will miss her terribly, I already do, but it is time for both of us to move on and look to the future. Goodbye, Sierra.