May 28, 2008 07:54
Yeah, so I should be somewhere with my bio lab again but due to the fact that when you set your alarm at 545 in goddamn morning your finger is not going to tell which button is off and which is the snooze. So 655 comes rolling around and Amy wakes me asking shouldn't I be somewhere by now. I grab everything that I have left in my life, haul Carol out of bed, and we pull into the parking lot to find that the class left without me, not hard to believe. We have to be there at exactly 7, but you know first off, this class has been such a bitch from the start, I signed up for an 8AM lab and its only been that about 3 times this quarter. It even had field trips over the weekend that sure, were fun, but my god, I've had every day this quarter filled with some responsibility especially these last couple weeks. So having everything important of mine stolen last week hasn't helped at all. I have had no time to spare to go get things replaced such as phone and license, but hell I don't even have the money to do so right now since I'm waiting for the bank to reimburse me for the money the assholes got out of my account. God I hate fucking assholes so much and I hate walmart even more now, which I didn't think was possible, but hell that's what happens when you let people steal from others. Those people take note and hate you for it. AHH! This no longer makes much sense, but you know what, I'm going to continue on this path because this is what is important right now. Sure I should be working on my 40% of the entire grade presentation I have tomorrow, but really I would have been birding now right. So continuing, I've slowly been getting through the road blocks of these last weeks, pretty sure I did well on my bio midterm friday, I turned in my seven page essay for Hinduism yesterday, and got one of my night hikes done (Oh yeah, I even have to do two 2-hour individual night hikes) saw a coyote. Now have to get this presentation over with tomorrow afternoon, but next week is what I'm afraid of. Saturday night is my mom's party so friday night and saturday are devoted to that. Then Wednesday I have in the morning my bitch of a lab final, and that afternoon, my Italian Oral Presentation Final. Then Thursday is my favorite; I have my Hinduism Final in the morning, and then my 10-12 page research paper is due at 3, also 40% of the entire grade. When am I going to do all this who knows. But you know what, I cannot wait for finals week because I'm not as stressed for my Italian and Bio Finals because I'll actually have time to study even though I no longer have any of my notes for either class. God, I just want my notebooks back and then if it's too much to ask all my useless sentimental stuff that I kept in my wallet and backpack. I no longer have my whited-out rock designed to look like a mouse that I've kept in all my backpacks since Freshman year of High School, Stevie is gone forever...
I'm tired of all this shit.