May 16, 2005 14:52
Yup, so that long awaited Chem midterm has passed but I did not. At least I'm pretty sure I didn't. That test was crap. There wasn't enough time to try and work out each problem. Bah, like I knew how to do each problem. Well we will get the answer soon enough.
On another note, last night was weird. I was attempting to study when I came across a sketch of mine in the lecture notes. I didn't like how I did the guy's arm so I decided to fix it. Came out so much better. Then I got into this drawing mood so I went into the basement and fished out my sketch book. It was around 1 AM by the way. Back in my room I am drawing like a maniac. I don't know what got into me, maybe I was just trying to get the hell away from Chem. But trust me, if I didn't decide to draw and continued studying, I still wouldn't have done any better.
Now I have a butt-load of things to do (read, bio notebook, essay, anthro quiz) and all I want to do is take a nap and add to more of my sketches. Yes I brought the book with me, figured I should keep practicing. Plus its stress relieving. Much like this journal thing. Hmm, seems like there's a lot of stress in my life. Stupid bio major! Blegh... Now I have to do my bio notebook.