Aug 20, 2005 14:20

lets see...

Woke up extra early so i could get ready to go back to Bolingbrook! much fun! Got to karlas little after twelve. The place seemed kinda different to me. The old checkers, now a bacci's pizza? Whats up with that!? They changed the door on our house, and put those little light thigs up the walk, i dont really much care for those, but hey, its there house now right? Blah. It was nice to see karla again, we just hung around, tried calling someone to come, but they had dissappeared or something. We went to Jewel, hadn't been there in soo long. Did our usual picture taking thing, and soon i was on my way. Then we went to pick up mark. It was really funny, 'cause when we pulled up, all these people were sitting there, and it was like a mob comming at our car, I couldnt hardly get out. I saw Andrew, Kim, Gette, Katrina, Kelly, Emily, and I think Gettes cousin? It was nice. Andrew and Marks friend Kelsey made us a cake, well mostly mark a cake. I only got a fourth, but its all good. Those sugar batman things on it were pretty good. Good job on the cake making there gys, we ate it in the car, very yummy! Then we ate, and went to Barnes and Noble, saw someone there but i dont know if they recognized me or what. And soon we were on our way to Chicago! Now normally I dont really care for Chicago, but it was a very nice change of pace for a change. I always look forward to seeing that building with the diamond shaped roof, it looks cool lit up at night. The whole city looks prettier at night. We waited across from Marshall Fields and this creepy guy shaking his cup next to our car was pretty nasty and rude. I was scared to get out of the car, then i did, and he stared at me. I dont like being stared at please. THEN! K, so every time it seems my sister has something new pierced. She had her nose pierced! Then it was four hours to home.

The tour of the school. It went pretty good, kinda wierd though, and all those freshmen. These two gys were friendly. Then we were at Gordmans for over three hours. I swear my sister tried on a hundred pairs of jeans.

MY LAST DAY OF FREEDOM! ..spent at walmart. Haha. Oh! and i finished my bag (the impossible to you miss karla).: )

My first day of school. The bus was like fifteen minutes late, so my mom drove us. We got there and Mark saw a bunch of his friends, and introduced me. I think there really nice. Spanish was..different. I didnt care to be in that class. We'll see how it goes tomorrow. I have advisory with Mark, the teacher seems really nice. Study Hall blowed! ew i really dont like that one. It seems like a waste of an hour and a half. O well, maybe it will be better when i have something to do. The room for that was wierd, it had a big mirrored wall, and cement steps, what is it? huh. Then Geometry which seemed like a normal class, i think it will be fine, cept the teacher doesnt seem to explain things very well, that could be an issue. Ceramics was the best class of my day. All those people now know im from Chicago, i really dont care to share things about myself, but oh well, the teachers really friendly and talkative, but thats the funnest class so far. The bus on the way home was packed. I have never been on a bus that full ever. I had to sit with some random person, interesting.

i missed my second day of school, so i have yet to experience b day, we'll see how that goes monday.

well, there you have it, have a good weekend =)
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