Another poem based on my original characters and their stories.
In this case, the character is Professor Drew Undook. He's a fey that ends up co-habitating with Elliot Moore - i.e., they are sharing a body. He's spent his entire long life trying to understand humans and now he's got the perfect chance to study them without disturbing them. I think the words are something to which anyone can relate.
A Life of Seeking
If, in this life, you find
There is a thing you lack,
How should you seek it out?
How can you get it back?
If it is a coin you lost
The answer’s plain and clear.
You check your pockets and your bags.
It surely will appear.
How, though, are you to find
A thing that has no form?
Such things cannot be found
By searching through a room.
Love, knowledge or friendship
These can only be found
By seeking out another soul
And finding common ground.