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As to Zim... D:
I feel like you're trying to put a lot of depth into a character that ... really doesn't have much depth at all. The entire point of the television show was not to make great, deep, feeling and touching characters develop as characters and show their emotional struggles, like is often found in anime and manga - the point of the show was TO MAKE US LAUGH. And so I feel like with your Zim, that utter zaniness has been a little bit lost. Perhaps it is my sense of humour being so different from yours, but for example, I did not see any zany, random, completely "crack-y" funniness in Zim's murdering of Dib; it seemed like it was something for dramatic value, and not for comedic. I think that is the biggest mistake you are making with this character, but I can be very finicky about these things. I would really appreciate it if you could or would explain yourself on this topic more for me, if you feel I am wrong, so that I can more appreciate your efforts at playing him.
I also feel - and I've seen this happen with many other Invader Zim role-players - that you take quotes from the show (i.e. the "iron fist" bit) that only appear once or twice through the entire span of the series, and then you overuse them in situations that are completely different from that in the show. Though it might not be as "Jhonen-esque," my best recommendation would be to try to come up with your own witty material more than you quote the series. In canon, none of the characters often repeat the same jokes over and over, all episodes considered.
I don't think your characterisation of Zim is completely incorrigible, but... ;; There's definitely room for improvement, in my opinion.
The murdering of Dib was indeed supposed to be dramatic, but we were trying to lean to the morbid side for OMGWTF.
I'll definately try to pick back up for Zim though! There's always room for improvement I think XD (the lols shall return with his beer machine)
BUT THANK YOU! I worry forever about Chrona, and I'm glad someone likes how she is so far :) XD Yeah, if her chip ever comes out, Ragnarok'll show up too~ it'll be Chibi-rok even! I really look forward to playing Chrona with Hikaru more~
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