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homeless/dressing rooms etc.
Simm!Master | andvainglorious | Doctor Who | Anon enabled, IP/screening off crit post
fjkslg still heading to Damned at some point; his app will be sent in for the October app round. See: comment re: August and its horrificness.
Koschei | isinterfering | Doctor Who |
Yeah, I'll be honest, I'm not really sure what I'm doing; I'm pretty new to playing him.
Xerxes Break | allmoveone | Pandora Hearts | Anon enabled, IP/screening off crit post
I'm thinking of picking him up again, actually -- once I've caught up with ...months of the series.
Shaz Granger | notatory | Ashes to Ashes | Anon enabled, IP/screening off crit post
The Doctor (Eight) | misremembers | Doctor Who: Eighth Doctor Adventures (novels) | Anon enabled, IP /screening off crit post
NGL, I'll probably be dropping him.
And I still need to come off hiatus at Amat, so I'm leaving that off at the moment.
1) Your grown-up Master is brilliant. I used to play the Master and I still get incredibly grumpy when I see bad interpretations of him xD Be happy, he is fantastic.
2) Just the fact that you play Koschei, Shaz and Eight fills me with joy. I've threaded a little with Koschei and I think he's excellent.
1) Aaah, thank you so much! If there were a less corny way to go ':D' on the internet, I WOULD BE DOING IT NOW. Instead you get ':D'. And yes, aah, I kind of go 'D:' when I see bad interpretations of the Master as well, so I'm glad mine isn't too shoddy!
2) Well, in the case of Shaz and definitely, definitely Eight, it's more 'tries to play'. Eight is so hard to play D: But thank you so much! I'm kind of worried that I make Koschei a little ... too grumpy? But I somewhat base my interpretation off of what appears in the really, really terrible novel The Dark Path and to a certain extent, the BFA 'Master', but the circumstances of 'Master' compared to general ...RP'ing, particularly Academy!era are a little different, so-- YOU'RE PROBABLY NOT INTERESTED AT ALL SO YES, thank you! I'm glad you like how I play him!
Also, I've seen your Sherlock around and he's fantastic, I have to say *A* I keep wanting to try playing someone from the new series but my laughable lack of knowledge regarding the books makes me wary of trying. Plus, I keep going 'BUT THERE'S ONLY BEEN THREE EPISODES' which makes me incredibly envious of anyone who's able to play the characters so far even though the episodes were ninety minutes each, apparently this means nothing to me.
/tl;drs everywhere
I am interested! <3 Gallifrey and Academy headcanon is some of my favourite headcanon evar. I could talk about it for ridiculous lengths >_> Although I've never read the Dark Path or heard 'Master'.
Aw, thank you <33 If you ever want to brush up, the original ACD books are public domain, so you can find them on the internet for free. Not that I do this to recap, what what. It's not as nice as having a real book, but there are definitely words, in the right order, telling the same story 8D Moar Sherlock characters is ALWAYS a good thing.
Also. Also. Jarvis. Oh, Jarvis. <3
Yees, it is fantastic for headcanon and stuff. I'm almost surprised that more people don't muck around with it.
The Dark Path is kind of terrible. It's like--
Koschei is travelling with a human called Ailla from the 23rd? century. THEY GET ON REALLY WELL. Koschei is ~suave~ and hypnotic. The Doctor turns up and he's all like 'oh bugger, I'm here, I'm not really supposed to be here, this could be awkward' but Koschei's all like 'DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT. I won't report you.' And then they wander off and do their separate explorations into ~what is going on~ because it's supposedly all very interesting even though I became bored quite quickly. Things soon escalate and PEOPLE GET IMPRISONED and it's all very bad, not to mention the Darkheart (I don't remember what it actually did) is VERY BAD. IT COULD DESTROY A PLANET.
Exploration and antagonism continues, and Ailla GETS SHOT and is apparently killed. Koschei baaws for a bit and decides that he will use the Darkheart to bring her back to life. Meanwhile, the Doctor takes her body aboard the TARDIS because he has realised something! Ailla regenerates and explains that she was supposed to pretend to be human and keep an eye on Koschei because the Time Lords were all 'HEY, YOU KNOW THAT KOSCHEI GUY? We don't think he's very mentally stable. Keep an eye on him and report back to us."
Koschei finds this out and is suitably unhappy. Sulks. Baaws. Decides that she's betrayed him and that he shall now be called the Master. Other stuff happens too, but the novel is really long and completely convoluted. I read a review that was like "you know, this would be great if it was a Star Trek novel. Unfortunately, it's a Doctor Who novel."
Ooh, I shall have to check that out. I recently invested in an eBook reader, so that sounds wonderful 8)
Aha, IKR. I recently rediscovered a load of my music from the nineties, and I was like "PULP. HOW DID I STOP LISTENING TO YOU." Plus, Jarvis is just kind of wonderful.
I'm disappointed to find out you're thinking of dropping Eight but I enjoyed your prose in the thread you did in Discedo with him (your Eight was tempting me to apply in). You should do whatever you need to be comfortable, though.
I'm still thinking about it, but I'm just not particularly comfortable with him -- that said, the fact that I've spent most of the month on hiatus probably hasn't helped! Perhaps if I do a mini-canon review it'd help and whilst I enjoyed the prose log I did, I'm struggling more with the journal aspect, which is a bit of a problem in a game like Discedo /laugh (Honestly, if you were thinking of apping a DW character to Discedo, I think that would be marvellous *A*)
Anyway, I wish you luck on any mini canon reviews and if you ever do Eight anywhere. 8D
Thank you, though! Eight and the EDAs deserve more love ;;
No kidding. I'm still waiting for them to do another Five Doctors with Eight-Eleven which probably won't happen :(
Oh my god, yes. I have no words for what I would offer to be able to see that 8( I just-- I really, really want a multi-Doctor special that includes Eight 8|
YES. But...would he have to go back into the wig or get to go awesomely short hair? :|a
fkdgl I've seen an interview with McGann where he's all 'I'd do it as long as I don't have to wear a wig'. I like Eight's hair, even if I can never work out what colour it's supposed to be.
I always thought it was brown or dark brown but ...yeah, I got nothing. Is that the interview where he's in this plush tall chair? And he was all talking about how he suggest short hair and they did it with Nine?
Well, the novels describe it as brown, although they sometimes thrown in a 'golden [...]' (but then they also sometimes describe his eyes as green, so who even knows). Yes, I think that was it! Bless him.
Hm, haven't gotten around to the novels yet, I'm still on the audio books. So far they haven't really had to describe it yet (still in the Divergent Universe stuff, maybe they do later, I don't know). I was amazed at how he still looks so young in that interview and was thinking "damn, man doesn't age, what".
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