Concrit Post 9

Aug 24, 2009 14:15

How's My Driving?

∞ comment with all the journals you RP with (and the communities they're from).
∞ reply to other people's comments (anon or logged in) with constructive criticism
∞ learn from the suggestions and profit!

► play nice! flaming will not be tolerated, and threads with such will be deleted. Save the wank for rp-anonmeme/roleplaysecrets► IP addresses are not ( Read more... )


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Comments 2730

gardenerofgaia August 24 2009, 18:17:10 UTC

gardenerofgaia - Final Fantasy VII
nilradiance - Kingdom Hearts

edit- holy crap first More importantly, er. They also have HMD posts on their journals if anyone would be more comfortable with that.

I've got a question about those though--I've seen a lot of HMD posts be turning anon commenting on, IP logging off, and allow comments to be screened. ...I get the reasoning for the first two, not so much on the third, and I have yet to ever have a post used for crit rather than just a general contact thing. Does screening deter anons? Should I turn that back off?


lady_angelina August 24 2009, 18:41:46 UTC
It shouldn't I wouldn't think. It just gives a measure of privacy for the crit-giver, although I give them the option to have their comment remain screened or for me to unscreen it when I go to reply.


gardenerofgaia August 24 2009, 19:09:15 UTC
That does make sense--I think I'll add in that option. :)


alwaysuserubber August 24 2009, 18:17:40 UTC
Luffy, One Piece (alwaysuserubber)
Sokka, Avatar: The Last Airbender (o_sarchasm)
Lilo Pelekai, Lilo & Stitch (bestleidplans)

All at campfuckudie!


alwaysuserubber August 24 2009, 18:31:25 UTC


bestleidplans August 24 2009, 18:35:33 UTC
WHOA NOW. At least let me take you out for dinner first, dang!


magicnme August 24 2009, 18:38:23 UTC
Oh! CFUD has a Lilo now! Cool, I hope to run into her on D_M or ICS sometime!

/begins stalking


allmoveone August 24 2009, 18:17:58 UTC
Tomoo Manaka/Ryou Naruse | Maou | angelic-lawyer
Xerxes Break | Pandora Hearts | allmoveone

Xerxes Break | Pandora Hearts | honeymilkandtea

Oh - all have anon enabled, IP logging off crit posts at the top of their journals if anyone is more comfortable in posting there.


championship August 24 2009, 18:18:14 UTC
Dawn | Pokemon, games | trainer_dawn
Nina Wyndia | Breath of Fire 2 | erasedroyalty

Caster | Fate/Stay Night | meteor_witch
Sapphire Birch | Pokemon Special | naturalsapphire

Caster | Fate/Stay Night | meteor_witch


magicnme August 24 2009, 18:45:10 UTC
Dawn is a really delightful Canon OC, I've really enjoyed her in the game. I'd like to see a little more of her regular shenanigans with the Pokemon, but you do a really great job of tagging around with her and keeping her connected and friendly.

Nina could use a little more attention tagging other journals, but it feels like you get more confident with her as you go. I suggest trying to find a niche for her in World's End that isn't necessary tied to her canonmate, so she has another area of involvement? Give her something to do regularly in the city.


championship August 24 2009, 20:14:36 UTC
Thanks! ♥ Haha, I just got the terrible mental image of Dawn taking her Pokemon out for them to feed themselves. And then feeling decidedly unwell.

Yeah, I'm trying to branch out with Nina more... I'm not quite sure what she'd do, though. POSSIBLY HELP OUT AT THE HOSPITAL man I need to stop being lazy. orz


newcenturysace August 24 2009, 20:37:00 UTC
I wish I was more familiar with the canon for either of your characters. But I enjoy their interactions a lot! I especially love picking on Sapphire with Ash... XD


fellinavolcano August 24 2009, 18:18:15 UTC
Why not? All input from nitpicks to general RP concerns appreciated!

Roxas (AU) | Kingdom Hearts | inarticulated

Sync the Tempest | Tales of the Abyss | fellinavolcano
Tyki Mikk | D.Gray-Man | onlyteasing
Roxas | Kingdom Hearts | obliviomancy

HOMELESS (but in case anybody has tips)
Asch the Bloody | Tales of the Abyss | encendres
Monica Argento | Trinity Blood | traumatises
Oz Vessalius | Pandora Hearts | warping


allmoveone August 24 2009, 18:59:57 UTC
I only know PH aah. But I like your Oz (the one thread I've had with him). I can't say I have any specific concrit for him other than play him more so you settle a bit? Because in the dear_mun post I tagged, some of the way you phrased things felt a bit strange, but as the thread progressed, you definitely seemed to settle into his character.

I think that you could be a really good Oz.


warping August 24 2009, 21:44:51 UTC
Oz is a bit odd for me, so yeah, I could definitely use the practice. I'll spend the month tossing him around and seeing what works. Thanks. ♥


xukty August 25 2009, 15:24:06 UTC
Roxaaaaas. You know I stalk both him and Tyki, right? 8|

I, um, fail at giving good concrit especially since I haven't been following as closely as I ought to, but I really like the way you handle the two of them. Especially Roxas, since him I've interacted with - the threads are enjoyable, even though sometimes I get confused with how you phrase some things (hence taglag and sometimes threaddropping. I'm sorry! >>;)

Also HWAT you play Oz somewhere. Why didn't you tell me?


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