Crit Post 24

Jan 14, 2011 11:44

Remember, save the circle-jerking spam for love memes. If you want to tell someone "omg ilu bb," take a few seconds to think of a reason why. Also, if you comment, try critting/giving a constructive compliment to someone else. Pass it forward!

How's My Driving?
∞ Comment with all the journals you RP with (and the communities they're from).
∞ Reply to other people's comments (anon or logged in) with constructive criticism.
∞ Learn from the suggestions and profit!

▶ Play nice! Flaming will not be tolerated, and threads with such will be deleted. Save the wank for anonmemearchive/roleplaysecrets!
▶ IP addresses are not logged, but will be if flaming becomes an issue.
▶ If you leave your usernames, please give other people concrit! Everybody wants help as much as you do!
▶ Save the circle-jerking love and praise for love memes. If you wish to give praise, give reasons why!
▶ Profit!

The How's My Driving? Meme

If anyone sees signs of being wanked/personally attacked/improper conduct, please post a link to the thread HERE. All comments are screened and will be attended to as soon as possible.


!mod, !concrit

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