How's My Driving?
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BUT YES. I think sometimes people forget that the people in XI are supposed to be able to grow into being their TOS counterparts. I mean, obviously apart from the 'verse with Scotty, I haven't played with Christine all that much, but I have thread-stalked a bit (especially because, y'know, picking up Chekov)and Christine just works, if that makes any sense. Obviously she'd be a bit more difficult to XI-ize, considering her whole one off-screen line, but I think you're doing a splendid job with her. :)
AAAAAAAAAAAAND hahaha omg Lena and Mags. Just what. I don't know why when they're together suddenly they're Kelley and Doohan, but I love it. It's all kinds of amazing.
And dude, I don't get the Sulu-block either. I can usually tell if TOS Sulu is written properly or not, because I can hear Takei's voice, but for some reason I can't mentally hear John Cho no matter how much I try. I think I just need to rewatch XI and pay closer attention to people who aren't Scotty, really. ♥
I have endless love for both that paragraph on Christine and the one of Lena and Mags. Because it means the world to me that you see good things being produced by me, because I know you've got such a good grasp of TOS and I really love and respect that about you. ♥
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