Yay for us, now stop it.

Nov 05, 2008 06:38

You know, I don't want to poop on anyone's parade, but I am already getting sick of conciliatory blog entries from Democrats and Liberals. I'm not picking on anyone in particular, but hyperbolic statements read recently in a friends blog like 'It's been a long time. A long, dark time' are *exactly* the us vs. them that divides this country.

This is no different from any other election. It is a peaceful change of power, which is what makes this country great.

True Republicans (tm) consider this election to be a victory of American politics of incredible proportion and great historical significance. PLEASE stop confusing Republicans with Neo-Conservatives. The True Republican (tm) party isn't the one of religious and sexual intolerance, it's the one that ended slavery, enabled women with the right to vote, and ended prohibition. It will also someday again be the one that continues to be fiscally conservative and socially moderate, which historically we have been.

Electing an African-American man as president is a nod to this legacy. Fifteen years ago I wouldn't have thought it could happen in my lifetime. But here it is, and I am happy with it. Of course, if the whole point was having an African-American president, you could have just elected Alan Keyes. So, don't consider me ignorant of the fact that Obama is a uniter.

Now, some of you are reading this and thinking, "Right, that's what we mean by a 'long, dark time'". Perhaps that's how you feel, but what we need isn't rhetoric of division or of 'us vs them', what we need is what President-Elect Obama has stated a number of times - unity and a realization that our political processes, while flawed, are still the best option we have as a country and as a world to ensure a peaceful change of power based upon the will of the people.

I would also like to note that there are not tanks rolling through our streets declaring martial law, I would like to point out that the Bush administration has done nothing to seize power, and I would like to point out that more of my liberal friends than I would like to admit to myself stated that martial law would be declared. We'll see. For some reason I strongly doubt it.

Anyway, this is an early morning rant, so take it for what it is.

I would also like to point out that I have watched all of Obama's acceptance speech I can find online (I fell asleep during McCain's eloquent concession speech) and there is something missing...

Where was Joe Biden? Hopefully they left him along the side of the road somewhere in Nebraska.
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