Nov 20, 2010 12:36
Day One: Ten things you want to say to ten different people right now.
Day Two: Nine things about yourself.
Day Three: Eight ways to win your heart.
Day Four: Seven things that cross your mind a lot.
Day Five: Six things you wish you’d never done.
Day Six: Five people who mean a lot.
Day Seven: Four turn offs.
Day Eight: Three turn ons.
Day Nine: Two smileys that describe your life right now.
Day Ten: One confession.
In all honesty, I sometimes have a hard time figuring out why I still care about you. It's slightly obvious you don't care if you're hurting me. I hate that you ignore me around other people and think that I won't notice. It sometimes makes me think you hate me, and I know I shouldn't think that way, but I've been hurt before, and I'm still scared of being fucked over. I wish you cared about me as much as I care about you. Somehow, though, you prove to me so often that you're still worth my time, waiting for me when I leave class late, listening to me vent about how depressed I am, reassuring me that I am worth something, just being an all-around great person to spend time with... How could I ever tell you that you're the one who hurts me the most when you're one of the people I love the most? It's just too hard, and I'm sorry. (You don't know it, but that one time when you noticed something was wrong after I'd been having an anxiety attack? It meant the world to me because it showed me you care, even just a little.)
Also, on a slightly humorous note, I'm really glad you don't have a LiveJournal so you'll never read this (:
Goodness gracious, I miss you. I miss those days when you came over almost every weekend, and we just talked on and on about stuff that mattered only to us. I miss those days when things were simple, and the petty drama that happened back in those days didn't matter too much. Even though things are much more complicated now, and we have separate lives, I like how we've hung in there through it all. You mean so much to me, and I'd hate to have you out of my life. I'll eat you up, I love you so<3 (shameless quoting of Where the Wild Things Are FTW :D) Thank you for putting up with me all these years when no one else did.
Words can't possibly express how sorry I am about those things I said about you and about those things that happened. I was worried, and then I freaked out and got angry, and my good judgment went out the window. Naturally, I fucked up. I'm done blaming you for everything because I know I made it a lot worse than it had to be. I just wish things could have been different between us. I'm really sorry.
I'm sorry I'm such a failure... I wish I had turned out better. It's just... I always have a sinking feeling I'm the reason you guys drink so much because I'm just so hard to deal with since I have so many problems. I'm sorry you guys are stuck with me. Maybe when I move out you guys won't have as much of a reason to drink.
If you want me to like you, please don't stalk me. Thank you. (:
I love you, and you're one of my best friends, but it always kills me when you're so depressed. I just want things to be okay for you, and I want you to be strong and hang in there. I know it's hard to believe right now because things are so hard, but it gets better. You'll see (: Just don't give up.
You know, after all these years, I figured out that what happened wasn't entirely your fault. My social skills were slightly lacking, and then I fucked up, which started things unnecessarily. In all honestly, your friends didn't make things much better either. I guess I just didn't belong in that group to begin with. I'm sorry I was such a pest back in those days, and I'm glad that we were both able to move on.
I just hope that things are better for you. It looks like you've gotten over her finally, and that's good. (: It made me so sad that she was getting you down, but now it looks like you're happy, and I'm really glad about that.
Kid, I love you to death, but you really need to stop complaining about everything that isn't perfect, especially when it's not even yours. So what if something I have 'sucks' in your eyes. I can use it just fine, and that's all that matters because, after all, it's mine not yours. It's just what I have, and I deal with it. You should do the same. Unlike you, I'm thankful for what I have. When I call you out on this, you always accuse me of starting a fight, and really I'm just trying to make it so you stop giving me headaches. And I'm not always wrong. Sometimes (Legasp!) I AM right. Your giant head is just too far up your arse to notice. You don't need to be butthurt if I have a different opinion than you about things. It's okay to not like something you like. But, of course, I guess I'd be butthurt too if my head was up my arse...
Again, I'm glad you don't have a LJ because I know if you read this you'd know who you were and then get mad. Hahaha
You really don't need to hate me and my mom and my brother just because we think differently from you. I'm sure you're angry with my father because he married a filthy democrat, I'm sure you've always hated me because I was too goddamn blunt my whole life (in your eyes, 'impolite'), and I bet you hate my brother because he's a democrat and makes filthy rock music. But must you treat my mother like shit? Come on. She's not turning my brother and me into evil terrible horrible democrats, she's not the reason I'm a goth, she's not the reason my brother was emo. Those are choices WE made on our own, and you can just shut your fucking mouth and stop being such a fucking dickwad because I'm fucking sick of it. Please don't ever move out here, because you don't have to lie about how much you hate us, and it's just better for my nerves that you stay away from me.
lord have mercy d: