
Jun 30, 2010 10:05

11:09 Bitter? A little bit. Better off? Most definitely. #

11:34 @ DreaShizzle a long time senator died yesterday. Maybe for him? #

13:56 Ditto RT @sevdemy: I really don't like being talked to like that....matter-a-fact I don't like being talked to... #

13:57 @ RHoskies you need a new sandwich guy. #

16:15 Cows on the farm. #

16:29 Watching "the crazies" w my awesome cuz @reidpegram #

20:49 Front porch. Warm nite. Fireflies. Rocking chair. Crickets. Bug zapper. #

21:29 From the @TFLN iPhone app: (862): i just ate an entire onion plain. all alone. i have never felt more single in my life #

21:56 @ Sara_Salami who'd you make out w now? #

08:13 Go ahead. Say it I know I'm adorable. #

08:34 Haha yes! RT @Twatterpater: @preciouscdu Carrie Dufresne brings you her new album: "Sounds of the South." #

08:36 Couldn't have said it better RT @Sn00ki: I'm doin me, and you should do you, why you worried bout me? You needa worry bout you! #

08:38 Hey apple: remember when double click home button opened iPod on iPhone? Best feature ever. ios4 double click is pointless. #ios4fail #

08:41 @ Sara_Salami did it have something to do w eclipse? #

09:48 We do good stuff for America! RT @DJPaulyD: you should prob watch this when you get a sec...just sayin!!!! #

09:51 Dear apple: remember when you could set passcode lock for 15 mins and not just immediately? Options are nice... just sayin' #ios4fail #
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