Feb 21, 2004 00:32
Very busy night.
First Irene and I went to deliver this package to some unknown person.
Then we went to G&G to see someone who I have found to be hott-wasn't there.We saw Colnin and talked to these guys playing football who wanted a ride.(If anyone particular is reading this we gave them a ride and they were hott)
After we went to the Cains house. Mr.Cain fixed my purse.Anthony gave Irene his keys and we drove around. He was raping us until Nicole came out then we went inside and talked to Steve. Irene and Anthony went to the Cains, Irene came bake-Anthony had her cell phone.
We went to Coldstone I got to turn Casey's brights on. Fun!
Then we went to get Irene's cell at the Cains, they were being butts and not answering the door so we T.P.'d Anthony's car. HEHE!Mucho divertido!
After Irene and Jordan left.
Nicole and I went back to Coldstone a lot of the peeps went to Sonoma Mountain. Then we were going back to her house because Anthony called saying that Irene's cell phone was on Nicole's doorstep.We saw the guy that we were trying to find at G&G coming out of Safeway. Nicole yells out of the car "She thinks you'r hott!!"
The phone was not on her doorstep so we called Anthony and was like what up??? After a while we wetn back to Coldstone, Casey was gone but Jamal, Toe's hott cousin, was there.Then everyone came back from Sonoma Mountain and we hung out with them and had fun.Kyle came by and told us that this guy attacked my friends with a lead pipe and stole their search light. I was like no one messes with my friends!!!Nicole and I decide to go home and then Anthony calls us and was like lets call it truce and I was like ok whatever. He was like are you home and I was all no I'm going home soon. He was like we will meet u there and I was like whose house. He said I think it better be your's. Then I was like oh my gosh you didn't!!! Nicole and I left and saw this guy Irene and I were trying to find at G&G,Nicole was all "______ my passenger thinks your hott!"
We got to my house and it was all toliet papered!!!! Nicole and I gained supplies for Anthony's house. When we got to his house he pulled up and trapped us, caught us.Don't worry we have just started---the war is on!!