An update re: the SW beads...

Aug 20, 2014 00:42

Firstly, I've been working on the beads that I first showed at JadeCon. The link should take you to the album on OneDrive. If not, let me know and I'll post it elsewhere. :)   For scale, they're 1/2 an inch wide.!3082&authkey=!AHH4jiiDjnxY3IM&ithint=folder%2cjpg

(The pictures were taken with my new smartphone. Yes, finally, finally...I have a smartphone. I needed to replace my flip phone (it wasn't notifying me of anything besides incoming phone calls). However, it's a Windows phone (Nokia Lumia 520), which means it has the lowest number of I discovered Flickr never bothered to make an app for Windows. So hence, the pictures above are on OneDrive, and Flickr is losing my business.)

But I digress. Slowly, but surely, I'm getting better at doing R2. I'm not happy with C-3PO yet. Amidala was a test of concept...not sure if I want to try Prequel stuff, although I like how the Obi-Wan/Jedi one turned out. I have a similar design for Ep.3 Anakin, too. Han might get a re-work, I've been re-designing it on paper. Luke is the pilot one at the moment, but I need a better one. Why oh why were all of his clothing designs so monochromatic?

In the works are: Lando, Boba Fett (maybe?), and Yoda. The last two might be too hard, but I'll try it nevertheless. :)  If you have any comments or critique, let me know!
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