Good gravy, it's been well over a year since I last posted on here! My only real excuse is that I haven't had much to say, still struggling with figuring out what to do with my life, and spending most of my online time at deviantART; although admittedly, I've been pretty quiet there as well for much of 2017. It just hasn't been a very good year, sad to admit.
That being said, I have returned to my blog thanks to Photobucket now charging a fee for third-party linking, meaning all my "hot-links" here no longer worked, instead displaying an ugly ad telling me to give 'em money and upgrade. Needless to say, I won't be doing that. After a long, tedious process, I think I've managed to clean up all my posts, re-uploading all my pictures directly here to LJ's gallery. Ugh.
But I can't say it was a total waste of time, since it did bring me back and reacquainted me with my old thoughts, aspirations, and writing. I kinda feel inspired, which is something I haven't been feeling for months now. Don't know how long the motivation will last, but expect some more "writing dumps" from me soon.
Speaking of inspiration, I feel bad not updating last November when it was finally announced, but Hallelujah:
( Read one of the first news announcements here )
Obviously, I've been eagerly waiting for the new season-a season I honestly never expected to happen-but I also cannot help but feel some... dread, too. The anticipation for 2018 and DC Comics new digital streaming platform is leaving me with too much time to wonder if the Runaways will even be featured. Or worse, ruined for me, as I've had four years of contemplating these characters. I'm worried everything I love about them will be dashed by major changes, come about over the long hiatus. Still, I'm holding onto these gosh-darn high hopes, because I really need something to fangirl-love on again! XD