Mar 15, 2014 19:44
I have always wanted to be a writer. Even when I was very little I would hand-write my own stories and illustrate them, stapling the pages together into makeshift books. Being an author was my dream career, even way back then, and all I ever wanted to be was a full-time, professionally published novelist.
As we all know, life doesn't quite work out like we plan. I wrote several books which were marketed to editors and publishing houses through a literary agent, and I myself submitted short stories to zines and contests. All this before I was 20 years old. Nothing ever came of it, and I soon lost my fire. Having to go to work in retail will do that to a moody, anti-social person, kill off any creativity or joy. Besides the occasional fan fiction, I didn't write much.
However, I'm trying to change that. I'm getting older and I need to find myself, re-kindle everything I used to love or want. And last year I made a rather embarrassing decision. I dug out my old manuscripts, buried in the attic dust, and decided to upload them for an Internet audience to read and laugh at. It's taken me awhile to decide on a publishing platform because it's difficult to reach a book audience these days-the modern world is so fast-paced no one has time to read novels online. But I've finally decided to simply use FictionPress.
The novels are not that good, and definitely not an example of how I write now. They were written for a young adult audience by a young adult writer. I thought about self-publishing but right now I don't have the desire to do a massive overhaul and edit, especially because I am no longer interested in the straight-up High Fantasy genre. The other problem is the chief book, Echoes of the Past, was the first in a potentially four book series, and I just cannot bring myself to print-publish (even on a small scale) something with no end.
Unless someone wants to adopt it? I'm willing to take on a "co-author" who might want to finish the tale? Please, contact me if interested.
Anyway, the account is under heavy construction. I have to re-type each novel, chapter by lengthy chapter, since these are print-out paper-manuscripts from an ancient word processor. Oh, the good old days. I did today order a 3.5 Diskette USB Portable reader in hopes of being able to "save" the works from the original floppy disks, but still the likelihood anything on Windows can read the files is slim. So updates will take awhile, sorry.
I may never be the author I wanted to be, but at least someone, somewhere, someday may enjoy my introverted childhood fantasies dreamed up with my sister. They were our old escape, and perhaps some kid now might find it theirs as well.
original fiction