Looking for a NSFW Duncan/Methos - Solved

Feb 28, 2021 07:16

Hi everyone!

I read this one years ago and can't for the life of me remember either the story name or author. It talks about the beginning of Methos, he was abused as a found child, then a tribe considered him a god but kept him captive and ritually killed him again and again. With the Horsemen then, he is guilty of having killed Cassandra while she was a virgin, because she was a sort of shaman/priestess in her tribe, and since then he only appreciates a woman while she is a virgin - this is why he married so many times. Also, he needs pain with sex, to really count - lots of it, and Duncan decides to get into that seriously to meet his needs. there's also a scene where Duncan brings Richie to watch, to satisfy one of Methos' kinks.

Managed to find it, yay!

It is called "And Hades Followed Him" and you can find it and the sequels at http://garret.slashcity.net/.
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