I Finished Y!

Jul 05, 2008 22:26

In 2004, author Brian K. Vaughn gave us Y: The Last Man. A progressive graphic novel (comic book if ya wanna be a dick about it) about a virus that kills every man in the world, except for an aspiring escape artist named Yorick Brown and his pet monkey Ampersand. The book went for 4 years, I started reading all of the collected works (65 comics into 10 Vol of books) and I have finally just finished the penultimate 10th graphic novel. How was it? Meh, many stories are about the journey to the end and not so much the end itself. While I found the rest of the run enjoyable the 10th graphic novel remains my least favorite. It's not like it didn't have a good ending (definitely far from predictable) it just felt like it could've been better. To this day Stephen King is the only novelist to finish his series (The Dark Tower) perfectly for me.
It's not like I didn't dig what Rowling did for Harry Potter, that ending just wasn't my thing. And I feel the same thing about Vaughn, although I will say this (and I'm trying not to be a chauvinist) any woman reading this post, who hasn't read "Y:The Last Man" yet needs to check out this book. If you're a woman I can't see why you wouldn't dig the hell out of this thing. It basically turns you all into stone cold badasses of the likes Sci-Fi rarely (or hardly ever) shows. Every single time I read this book I was surprised it was written by a dude at all. One cool thing though is that Vaughn is now a staff writer for Lost. He wrote one of my favorite episodes this year "The Constant" it was a Desmond and time travel centric episode.
As I get older I realize that a lot of my favorite writers are pretty much male feminists, from Joss Whedon to Kevin Smith. I feel like I want to get that progressive but as I get older I feel more and more alienated by women, how fucked is that?
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