Nov 19, 2006 03:13
My roomate and I will start lining up for the Wii with another LAFS student/friend/gray box co-conspirator and or classically trained fiend (that's a Nintendo fan for the uninitiated in geek speak)at the local Best Buy in Los Feliz at 10:00 pm. This is take two for my roomate Jesse Simpson and I in our search to obtain what could be Nintendo's latest and perhaps greatest home video game system.
We were first thwarted by an inept/souless retail monkey at EB Games who decided not to call back over half of the names listed as notified pre-orders (we bought the new Zelda game, so they were supposed to call us the day they could take customer reservations for the Wii) which included Mr. Simpson and I. Next was the Toys R Us mish mash.
We showed up at 4:00 am to get the Toys R Us pre order. Upon arrival we saw ten people and a tent, it turned out only one person was in the tent so counting Jesse and I it was twelve. Over the next six hours we were subjected to the worst and possibly most corrupt line practices via Toys R Us, where a kid is supposed to be be a kid. Which turned out to be sadly true because they fucked anyone that was twenty years old and up WHO ACTUALLY GREW UP WITH THE ORIGINAL 8-BIT NINTENDO SYSTEM FOR CHRIST SAKES!!!!
Basically, from when we arrived at four and from when we left (insanley pissed off)the line that was twelve slowly grew to fifty two and not from the back, from the front. Some asshole in the front that had claimed to have been there since the previous Friday had this "list" that had over fourty names on it of people he knew that had also lined up with him but the store said they didn't have to wait in line if they signed this list. Whether his story was true or not is irrelevent because the FEED over at G4, this glorious inter-web of ours, the newspaper's and TOYS R US' OWN CATALOUGE said that the Toys R Us pre-order for the Wii was Sunday October 29, 2006 NOT Friday October 27, 2006. Meaning that the very idea of the list was bogus, if any of those fourty people were dedicated to the house that Mario built, they would've sat there since Friday and been hardcore about it. Not screw it up for the twelve dedicated others who actually waited in line (some over the actual twenty four hours and never once saw the dude in front or his "imaginary chums" before Jesse and I got there). Needless to say, the bad guys won that day and not only Jesse and I were screwed but also everyone of the ten people in front of us icluding tent man lost out security of knowing that we'd have our preciousssssssssssss.
If anyone is wondering, the reason the Wii means this much to me (and hopefully many others that may or may not include the South Park guys) is because it represents a real electronic change of the guard, you're controllers are wireless nunchucks, man!!! And if anyone knows me they know that since this millenium began I've hated it for not resembling anything close to becoming the Zemeckis depicted metropolis in BTTF Part II. I went as far as to wearing my pockets and (then eventually my pants)inside out to start the ball rolling but it never panned out. The future that I want to live in needs this system it's crazy that this thing is being released in the same world that Congress flipped. Hopefully trends will continue so that next decade we can all celebrate the 90's turning twenty without be constantly disgusted and affraid worrying "what's going to happen next" constantly. So, act three, we're smarter now and refuse to take any shit from the corrupt and inept. With our co-Wii enthusiast Steven Low and armed to the teeth with Wiid (like that) and a heavy arsenal of caffeine were taking it to the streets and come tomorrow, hell or high water we'll have what is obviously the best next gen console.