
Apr 07, 2007 13:07

OMG, it's like playing "what if you were stranded on a desert island and could take only 3.5 boxes of science fiction"... =(

Who made the cut:
Samuel Delany, all of his stuff
Orson Scott Card, only some of it (Ender's Game series, Songmaster)
Octavia Butler, all of it
Pat Cadigan (I only have a couple)
AA Attanasio: Radix & Solis
Richard Adams, Watership Down
J.G. Ballard, Crash
Ian M. Banks: Consider Phlebas & Against A Dark Background
John Crowley, Little, Big
Candas Jane Dorsey, Black Wine
Melissa Scott, all I've got
Neal Stephenson, Snow Crash, Zodiac
Nalo Hopkinson, Brown Girl in the Ring
Sherri Tepper, all I've got
Ursula K. LeGuin, all I've got
Nicola Griffith, all I've got
Mark Helprin, Winter's Tale
Nancy Kress, Beggars in Spain, Beggars & Choosers
Madeleine L'Engle: A Wrinkle in Time trilogy
William Gibson, all I have
Gibson/Sterling: Difference Engine
Molly Gloss, The Dazzle of Day
Elizabeth Hand, Winterlong & Aestival Tide
Frank Herbert, 5 of 6 Dune books (I don't seem to own Chapterhouse =/)
Gwyneth Jones, White Queen (argh, I don't have Northwind), Phoenix Cafe
Linda Nagata, Bohr Maker & Tech Heaven
Walter Mosley, Blue Light
Walter M. Miller, Jr., A Canticle for Leibowitz, St. Leibowitz & the Wild Horse Woman
Vonda N. McIntyre, Dream Snake
Maureen F. McHugh, Mission Child
Elisabeth Vonarburg, In the Mothers' Land, trans. Jane Brierly (kinda silly that I don't own it in French)
Rebecca Ore, all I've got (only 3)
Connie Willis, Doomsday Book
Marion Zimmer Bradley, Mists of Avalon & Children of Hastur
Neil Gaiman, what I have (not much)
Nancy Springer, Larque on the Wing & Fair Peril
Amy Thomson, Virtual Girl & Through Alien Eyes
Sue Thomas, Correspondence
Stephanie A. Smith, Other Nature

Tesseracts 3 & 4 (wish I had the others): Canadian SF
Storming the Reality Studio, ed. Larry McCaffery
Norton Book of Science Fiction, eds. Ursula K. Le Guin & Brian Attebery
Visions of Wonder, eds. David G. Hartwell & Milton T. Wolf
James Triptree, Jr.: Ten Thousand Light-Years from Home, Star Songs of an Old Primate
Nancy Kress, Beaker's Dozen

Alright. *sigh* I've gifted all my French science fiction to the University of California at Riverside. I don't know what to do with the other 20 or so of boxes worth of English SF. I kept a bunch of English-language classics (non-SF, I think there's still some of that out there, right? *lol*), I've given away a ton of literary criticism to various libraries, and sold a few to Powell's, so I've pared down 80 boxes to 11!!!! Holy cow. =(

science fiction

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